OHC membership runs from January 1 to December 31, so now is the time to renew or join!  If you are a current member, you’ll receive a pre-printed application in the mail by end of October.  If you join as a new member between October 1st and December 31st or you are not a current member, your membership is active from the day that you submit your application until December 31st of the following year.  If you are a current member, you may renew your membership for the following year anytime between October 1st of the the current year and December 31st of the following year.

If you want to join OHC, select the chapter from “Find Chapter” at the top of the website page and contact the officers or download a printable application.  You can sign up on line, too.  It is easy, secure and safe.  Select either “Join” or “Renew” at the upper right corner of the website page and follow the prompts.