Elkins Creek 2022
Elkins Creek is one of my favorite places to ride! Eight years ago, I made my first venture to Elkins Creek and enjoyed
View DetailsAs horsemen helping horsemen, we provide an opportunity for equine owners and supporters to share horse-related topics and activities through trail rides, campouts, social and service functions, and by the building and maintaining of bridle trails; we foster the love and understanding of horses for this generation and the next.
Each year we plan a variety of trail rides. Club members meet for day rides and enjoy weekend camping trips: Ohio’s state parks and forests are popular destinations. On most Saturday nights during camping weekends, members host renowned potluck dinners, with entertaining campfires to end the night.
Holmes OHC members donate hundreds of volunteer hours each year in support of bridle trails in Ohio’s parks and forests. Throughout riding season, work weekends are held at Mohican State Memorial Forest. Members clear and improve trails, clean up camp, replace tie rails, etc.
Each year, we raise funds to help maintain Mohican’s trails and camping facility. Our primary fundraiser is selling pizzas. We also host raffles and auctions at some of our events. If you’d like to donate to Mohican’s trail maintenance, contact us.
See our Member Information Packet here.
To join our chapter, click the 'Join Today' button at the top of the page.
If you prefer not to use the online system to join or renew with our chapter, print our chapter’s membership form (click on blue type) and mail it with payment to the chapter treasurer at the address shown on the form.
If you are a primary member of another chapter and want to be a secondary member of our chapter, you can print a secondary membership form (click on blue type) and mail it to the chapter treasurer. Please refer to the treasurer’s address on the primary membership form and add any chapter charges shown to the secondary membership fee of $3 Individual or $5 Family.
RSVP by March 17th to Cheryl Schneider 440-829-3297 Adult meals are $18.99 Kids meals, ages 3-12, are $8.99 Tax and tip are not included Local businesses have donated items for the raffle plus there will be a 50/50 Raffle Trail Riding Awards Attendance Awards
Find out more »During our permit weekend
Find out more »Please be advised: There will be a marathon run Saturday, September 16th from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at West Branch State Park. The race starts and ends at the swimming beach on the south side of the lake. The halfway point will be the day parking lot with parts of the red trail being utilized. We suggest that horseback riders use the parking areas under the powerlines and avoid the red trail until 1 p.m. It is unclear how…
Find out more »Glow Stick Moonlight Trail Ride Meet at West Branch State Park (Horse Day Parking Lot) at 6 p.m. so horses and riders can acclimate to the glow stick lit path. Upon arrival, volunteers will direct you to parking, which is limited, so hitch a ride with a friend if possible. Bring your camera or phone to capture this amazing night ride, and a flashlight or headlamp to help see the trail. Have fun decorating yourself and your horse with glow…
Find out more »Hello trail riders! Welcome to the Cuyahoga, Medina, Summit County State Ride! I'm sharing some information with you about the ride. You will receive a welcome packet, but here are a few other "bits" of information. 1) There are NO assigned or marked sites. First come first serve. We will try to accommodate any requests. 2) There is potable water. Please share the water taps. No special equipment for personal use. 3) There are Port-a-Johns and the park has a permanent one with handicap access and…
Find out more »Address:
Millersburg OH
News and events from Ohio Horseman's Council
Elkins Creek is one of my favorite places to ride! Eight years ago, I made my first venture to Elkins Creek and enjoyed
View Detailsby Bev Hanna As I write the July article, we're making our first cutting hay. It is hot enough here at the end of May
View DetailsWritten by Bev Hanna As I write the June article in the beginning of May, I am reflecting back on April, who truly show
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