About Us
Montgomery County Chapter OHC membership includes all horse persons, regardless of breed affiliation or style of riding or use in Ohio. To promote the health and well being of all equines.To promote youth activities and encourage horse related programs.Aid in the establishment of public trails/bridle paths on public lands and right of ways. Provide a medium through which the horse industry can communicate and identify common objectives.Improve communication between local horse organizations for the benefit of the local area.
Online Registration
To join our chapter, click the 'Join Today' button at the top of the page.
Download Registration
If you prefer not to use the online system to join or renew with our chapter, print our chapter’s membership form (click on blue type) and mail it with payment to the chapter treasurer at the address shown on the form.
If you are a primary member of another chapter and want to be a secondary member of our chapter, you can print a secondary membership form (click on blue type) and mail it to the chapter treasurer. Please refer to the treasurer’s address on the primary membership form and add any chapter charges shown to the secondary membership fee of $3 Individual or $5 Family.
Contact Us
Dayton OH
News and events from Ohio Horseman's Council