About Us
Perry County Chapter OHC has a motto: “Until next time……… keep 4 hooves down, the leather clean and your seat in the saddle.” This SE Ohio group of riders have adopted responsibility for Wayne National Forest’s Stone Church and Burr Oak State Park bridle trails. When we’re not working on trails, we’re riding them from Salt Fork to Burr Oak and everywhere a hoof can be put down.
Trail riding & Trail maintenance
We are an avid riding club that also does its fair share of trail maintenance. Stay tuned for the work dates at Stone Church and Burr Oak. The state is adding new trails and amenities at Burr Oak, while we are still working with Wayne National for additional trails at both Burr Oak and Stone Church.
Our ride schedule for 2023 is listed below and includes rides with our neighboring OHC chapters. After all, it is horsemen helping horsemen!
We will host our annual Soup Ride October 6-8 at Burr Oak where we will offer FREE camping this year. We will replace the auction with some other events. Come see what’s new!
Guest speakers so far this year exercises for equestrians and a demonstration of the Bemer horse therapy.
Feel free to contact us for information about our next meeting, ride or get together! You can also check us out on Facebook.
We meet the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted at the Pizza Place in New Lexington. Social time begins around 6 with the meeting to start at 7.
2023 RIDES (Meet at 10 unless otherwise noted)
April 8 – Dillon.
April 22-23 – Stone Church. Meet at 10 a.m. Camp if you like
May 13-14 – Fallon Park (AEP Conesville).
Memorial Day weekend – Burr Oak or Blue Rock
June 2-4 – Mohican. Members and secondary members only.
June 10-11 – Blue Rock or Harrison
June16-18 – Hocking State Forest
June 30-July 2 – Burr Oak (free camping)
July 22-23 – Alum Creek
August 4-6 – Gibby state ride at Barkcamp. Reservations required. Electric campsites but limited availability.
August 18-20 – Salt Fork
September 1-4 – Scioto Trails state ride hosted by Fairfield OHC. See their Facebook page for flyer
September 15-17 – Mohican chili cookoff. Reservations required.
September 23-24 – Muskingum County Chili Cookoff at Blue Rock
October 6-8 – Annual Soup Ride at Burr Oak
October 20-22 – Hocking State Forest group camp (Halloween/Fall ride)

Online Registration
To join our chapter, click the 'Join Today' button at the top of the page.

Download Registration
If you prefer not to use the online system to join or renew with our chapter, print our chapter’s membership form (click on blue type) and mail it with payment to the chapter treasurer at the address shown on the form.
If you are a primary member of another chapter and want to be a secondary member of our chapter, you can print a secondary membership form (click on blue type) and mail it to the chapter treasurer. Please refer to the treasurer’s address on the primary membership form and add any chapter charges shown to the secondary membership fee of $3 Individual or $5 Family.
Contact Us
Somerset OH