About Us
Stark County Chapter OHC is a family oriented organization dedicated to working with all areas of the horse industry to establish and maintain public trails. You can stay informed of current concerns affecting the industry, meet other horse people and learn new things. Become a member and you will receive a subscription to Horseman’s Corral and the Stark Co. OHC newsletter to keep you informed of local and state wide events. We hold meetings on the fourth Monday with social at 6:00 and meeting 6:30 at the Navarre VFW. Address 6680 Woodlawn Hill Rd S.W., Navarre, Ohio 44662. We will eat first then have the meeting. Feel free to join us anytime!
Online Registration
To join our chapter, click the 'Join Today' button at the top of the page.
Download Registration
If you prefer not to use the online system to join or renew with our chapter, print our chapter’s membership form (click on blue type) and mail it with payment to the chapter treasurer at the address shown on the form.
If you are a primary member of another chapter and want to be a secondary member of our chapter, you can print a secondary membership form (click on blue type) and mail it to the chapter treasurer. Please refer to the treasurer’s address on the primary membership form and add any chapter charges shown to the secondary membership fee of $3 Individual or $5 Family.
Contact Us
Navarre OH 44662
News and events from Ohio Horseman's Council