Delaware Chapter honors founding member, Kathy Bruno

What a special evening it was!


Founding Members with Kathy Bruno

Kathy and Charlie Adams (helped build the Long Bridge)

Delaware Chapter members honored one of their own during a ceremony held during our April meeting 2023. Kathy was recognized for her contribution as a founding member of our Delaware Chapter as well as for her years of dedication, commitment, and service on behalf of Delaware Chapter and the Ohio Horseman’s Council as a whole. Since 1974, Kathy has served in multiple officer capacities at both the State and local levels, serving as president of our chapter and mentor to many new to our organization. Always ready and willing to volunteer her time, energy, and resources, Kathy has helped in trail construction, chapter social events, and as representative for our Delaware Chapter at many State meetings and events.

We are pleased to celebrate and commemorate Kathy’s service to the OHC with a special certificate of appreciation. The evening was made even more special with the attendance of several of Kathy’s fellow Delaware founding members.

Becky Payne and Charlie Adams, both founding members

Jo Christopher and Kathy Bruno (in distance). Very First Delaware OHC meeting was held at Jo’s house!

Founding members, Sheila and Kurt Hemans

Doug Hopkins and Matt Payne

Rose Hopkins and family

Kathy’s Certificate of Appreciation