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Cuyahoga OHC Annual Banquet
Sunday February 23, 2025
Holiday Inn
6001 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131
Doors open at 11:45, dinner at 1:00 PM
Annual Banquet and Auction
Sunday, February 23
Holiday Inn, 6001 Rockside Road,
Doors open 11:45 a.m. – Lunch at 1:00 p.m., $25 Per person
Pretzel Chicken
Eggplant Parmesan (vegetarian)
Live auction (thanks to Big D’s and many generous donors)
Meet the officers
$5 sale table
Enjoy fellow horse enthusiasts
Upcoming events
Trail miles report
RSVP with payment by February 13 to Christa Abood email [email protected] or 440-263-9023. Please include names, contact info and meal choice(s) of all attendees.
Check Payable to Cuyahoga OHC; mail to 9555 Reserve Run, Brecksville, OH 44141
It is our major gathering of the year with a Fun Auction of Items generously donated from the Community and courtesy of our points from Big Dees,
Flea Market Tables, Food, bridle trail and other news and more. You don’t have to be a member of the Ohio Horseman’s Council to attend this event. Lou will share information on 2023 miles. Joani will discuss some rides she’s got planned and ask for some needed volunteers to make those rides the success. And, of course, we’ll bid on donated items as well as those purchased with Big Dees bucks. For those of us with a pocket full of singles, there’s always the $5 table, courtesy of members like you, who donate stuff to benefit the club. Gather up those gently used items, horsey or not, and put them on the $5 table. A great way to clear out some clutter and have someone else make good use of it. If you can obtain a donation from your favorite retailer or employer for the live auction or bargain table it would really help us out. If you need a donation letter, please contact us. We are a 501 (C)(3) charitable organization.
The Annual Dinner/Auction is February 23rd. Food, conversation, live auction and fun five-dollar flea market finds. Please join us and share this flyer with your friends and family. As always, we are looking for auction items for the live auction or small or pre-loved items for the flea market table.


Holiday Inn Inependence
6001 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131 United States
+ Google Map